Are you wondering how to boost income for your chamber in the present economic recession? The secret is to have an effective website for your chamber.
Why did I say so? The internet has redefined the ways businesses are been done worldwide.
Nigeria is not an exception! Presently, many Nigerians who otherwise may not have been able to start a business are having a breakthrough on the internet. They are earning extraordinary money effortlessly. Thanks to the internet for making their dreams possible.
According to Jupiter research report: “They found that more than 25% of the people they studied have cut back on watching TV so they can spend more time on the internet. On top of that, 18% of people in the study said they were reading newspapers less and getting their information on the internet instead.”
It has become the ideal place to market whatever product or service anyone has to offer. So it’s the place to brand your chamber.
Every day, more Nigerians are going to the internet. According to latest information: 23,982, 200 Nigerians are using the internet. That’s about 16.1% of the population.
That is an excellent market for your chamber. And the market is still in its infancy.
Don’t get me wrong! There is no get rich quick business anywhere. Even on the internet.
But for you to enhance income for your chamber, it’s becoming easier and economical to attract client on the internet. Everyday more people are using the internet to search for your service.
Yes, designing an effective website take time, research, marketing strategy and business planning. If you have the time, you can learn to design an effective website and manage it yourself. Otherwise, you can get an expert to do it for you.
Once you have acquired the knowledge of running a successful business online you are on your way to boosting your chamber income.
With the knowledge, you can design an effective website to attract potential visitors that will want to buy your products and services.
That gives you competitive edge over your competitors with traditional form of websites. These are sites that are built without considering the reality of how the internet works.
Other incredible benefit is that your website can automatically respond to customers and visitors. And follow up with them for months. That way it strengthens your customer relationships with clients.
Another advantage of an effective website is that it can generate entirely new income streams without high overhead costs.